1-2-3 Go! Choosing The Best Bags For Carefree Travels

When you’re traveling light, you’re less weighed down and more carefree. And carefree travels mean lots of happy memories. But traveling light and carefree doesn’t mean doing without the necessities. It just means redefining what those necessities are.

Here’s a great 3-step system for packing that will ensure you can pack what you need but travel footloose and fancy-free!

1. Main Bag

If you can opt for a main travel bag that doesn’t exceed 20 inches in length or 20 pounds fully packed, you’ll not only eliminate the hassle of checking bags, but you’ll avoid the extra cost. While there are lots of luggage designs to choose from, you should choose the style that suits you best. A rolling carry-on with soft sides that can be easily placed in an overhead bin allows you to breeze through the terminal on wheels, while a lightweight duffel bag allows you to traverse a variety of terrains.

A carry-on backpack with wheels may be the ultimate carry-on system—especially if it includes a smaller detachable (zip-off) backpack for daytime excursions in each of your destinations.

2. Packing Systems

There are some great packing systems available that will help maximize space in your bag by organizing all of your clothing, toiletries and accessories. Folders and cubes can help organize clothing, minimize wrinkles and compress items so they take up less room. So can special travel bottles for toiletries. Remember, whatever you pack—keep it to the bare minimum. And see our blog posts on packing light for tips on what to bring and what to leave home.

3. Daytime Excursions

It’s best to have a smaller bag for your daily sightseeing excursions. There are several options from which to choose. What’s best for you will depend on your personal style and what’s most comfortable for you.


Choose something that’s small and offers secure closures or lockable zippers that will help protect your valuables.

Shoulder Bag

A cross-body bag will help keep your items close and secure and will allow you easy access to the things you need. 


A waistpack can be the perfect solution for your daytime excursions. This option is small and light and keeps everything right at your fingertips.

That’s it. One, two, three… Let’s go!